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Wybren Jongstra

Speaker image - website page (1080 × 1080 px)

As General Manager at MagicInfo Services by ScreenCom, Wybren Jongstra leads with innovation, consistently pushing the boundaries of digital signage. Dedicated to turning client aspirations into reality with custom MagicINFO-powered digital signage solutions, Wybren prioritises forging significant brand-audience connections. Always eager to explore how businesses and organisations can use MagicINFO to revolutionise their digital signage strategies with data-driven solutions, Wybren is an excellent point of contact for transforming business strategies.

For nearly a decade, Wybren has been eagerly sharing his profound insights on MagicINFO and digital signage through webinars and training sessions. His technical expertise extends to aligning company technologies with client-specific needs, ensuring every digital signage solution is perfectly tailored. Connect with him at LOOKBEYOND23 for a dive into the future of digital signage.

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